Parents Pour l’École
blindesign accompanies Parents Pour l’École since 2016.
Summer 2016, a new association of parents was created by Apel’s former leaders. It gives carte blanche to blindesign to design a comprehensive information system to ensure a rich information, managing donations and memberships, targeted emailing campaigns, and an internal collaborative workflow management.
UX design
01 –
blindesign designs an information system articulated around the website, including a donations and memberships e-commerce management system, a calendar with booking, a multi-author blog.
02 –
Around the site, blindesign coordinates powerful applications of emailing, collaborative cloud and messaging.
The site traffic remained at a high level since its launch. Hundreds of memberships in the first weeks, rich content well aggregated on the web and a solid information system convinced Parents Pour l’Ecole to renew their confidence for future work. To be continued…
Creative direction, communication strategy, information system, design guidelines, iconography, UX design, website, e-commerce solution, social network, emailing campaign, server solution.